Let a quality tent service cover your next event with Decker's Tent Rentals LLC, in Charlestown, New Hampshire. We have the experience and knowledge to service your event needs.
With three generations of experience delivering excellent service, you know you can count on our tent rentals to support all of your event needs. Contact us to learn more about how our service can cover your next event.
Our family-owned-and-operated service started with our grandfather, Al, who bought the Fluette Tent Rental Company in 1962. After 20 years of service, he sold the business to his son John, who changed the name to Decker Tent Rental.
After 20 years of service, John retired in 2002 and sold to his son Scott, and Decker's Tent Rentals, LLC was formed. Customer service is always the first priority and quality is the key ingredient to success.
Phone: (603) 826-7736 | Email: info@deckerstentrentals.com | Address: Charlestown, NH 03603